Scott's Photo by Rowe

Other Services

Instant Kiosk Printing
Come in and print-your-own photos with our KODAK Picture Kiosks.

You can make prints and enlargements in just seconds. Use your digital card to make prints or scan an existing print. Once you upload or scan your photos into the KODAK Picture Kiosk, you can even improve your picture quality with edit capabilities to zoom, crop, add borders, and reduce red eye. You'll have fun experimenting with the color enhancement feature, black & white or sepia print options too.

Media Requirements
To get your prints made instantly, just bring in your media from your digital camera. Acceptable media formats include:
CompactFlash®, xD-Picture Card™, MemoryStick™ Mini SD, MemoryStick Pro™, ™ Mini CD, ROM or CD-ROM, MultiMedia Card™ Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card, USB Flash Drive

Size Cost
4 x 6 $0.55 each
5 x 7 $3.09 each
Operator Optimized Pricing
Size Glossy or Lustre
4 x 6 $0.34
5 x 7 $2.79
8 x 10
8 x 12 $5.99
11 x 14 $11.99
12 x 18 $18.99
Mini Prints & Wallets $0.69

Printing from smartphones
Connect to our Kodak Picture Kiosk to print your smatphone pictures. It's fast, easy, and convenient.

Digital images from Media Card to CD (up to 650MB) $5.99
Includes one 40-image 4x6 index print
Additional 4x6 index prints: $0.49 each

SLR CCD Sensor Cleaning
Digital SLR CCD Sensor Cleaning $44.99
Professional in-house Sensor Cleaning
Note: No charge if camera was purchased at Rowe or Scott's Photo

Photo Prints